Finland-China Business Association webinar invitation: Trading with China: PRC Export Controls Issues - Keskuskauppakamari

Finland-China Business Association webinar invitation: Trading with China: PRC Export Controls Issues

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Microsoft Teams

Dear members and business partners,

In the world of international trade, the use of sanctions and export controls has increased continuously in recent years. In response to such trend, China has also enacted new export control laws and sanction list in late 2020 and established its first sanction blocking regime combating foreign sanctions in the beginning of 2021.

What do these measures mean? and how would they impact businesses worldwide, including in Finland? Please join us for a webinar to learn more about the issue from industry experts. 


WHEN: Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 9 am Helsinki time

WHERE: Microsoft Teams webinar

A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the date. 


Finland-China Business Association is organizing this webinar together with member company Borenius, a top-tier Finnish business law firm, and JunHe, a top-tier PRC business law firm




9.00 Welcome and opening remarks, Mr Timo Helosuo

Chair, Finland-China Business Association


9.05 Topic introduction, Ms Sha WangCounsel, Head of China Desk, Borenius


9.10 – 9.45 Mr Weiyang (David) Tang, Partner, JunHe

(1) Chinese Export Control Law and Technology Export and

(2) Chinese Sanction List – Unreliable Entity List


9.45 – 10.00 Ms Sha Wang, Counsel, Head of China Desk, Borenius

(3) Chinese Blocking Statute


10.00 – 10.30 Q & A

10.30 Webinar ends



Participation is free of charge but requires pre-registration here


Finland-China Business Association

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